AAPT Idaho-Utah Section report spring 2015
The annual meeting of the Idaho-Utah section of the American Association of Physics Teachers was held March 13-14 at Snow College in Ephraim, Utah. The ever-popular demonstration show was held Friday night and was attended by over 200 people. A short video compilation (thanks to Snow College!) is available here: https://snow.mediaspace.kaltura.com/media/aapt_event/0_9sg0w43a/13823862
Saturday held a full season of talks and activities, highlighted by a report from the Governor of Utah’s advisor for science education, Tami Pyfer. About 50 people participated in the conference, which was organized by Larry Smith, the current vice-president of the section, who did a fantastic job. A copy of the program is attached below.
Of particular interest was the business meeting, in which Brian Pyper was re-elected as Section Representative and Adam Beehler was elected as president-elect in absentia and in anticipation of his organizing the section meeting in two years at the University of Utah. This means the current spate of officers is: Katie Devine (CofI) – Past President, Larry Smith (Snow College) – President, Steve Shropshire (ISU) – Vice President, Adam Beehler (UofU) – President-Elect and Treasurer, and Brian Pyper (BYUI) – Section Representative. The section meeting will be held in Pocatello next year hosted by Steve Shropshire.
Rondo Jefferies from Weber State graciously sent me a note listing the history of the section meetings going back to 1983 when the section was founded. I’ve posted it below.
– Brian Pyper
section representative
March 2015
Friday, March 13th
4:00 – 6:00 PM Registration Huntsman Library Lobby
6:00 – 7:15 PM Dinner LDS Institute Pavilion
(included in registration fee)
7:30 – 9:00 PM Physics Demo Night Huntsman Library Auditorium
(free to the public)
Saturday, March 14th
8:00 – 9:00 AM Registration Huntsman Library Lobby
9:00 – 9:10 AM Welcome Huntsman Library Auditorium
9:15 – 10:15 AM Talk Session I Huntsman Library Auditorium
10:15 – 10:30 AM Snack Break Huntsman Library Lobby
10:30 – 12:00 PM Talk Session II Huntsman Library Auditorium
12:00 – 12:05 PM Group Photo Plaza in front of Huntsman Library
12:05 – 1:00 PM Lunch Noyes Bldg, Founders Hall
(included in registration fee)
12:30 – 12:50 PM AAPT Business Meeting Noyes Bldg, Founders Hall
12:50 – 1:10 PM Poster Session Noyes Bldg, Founders Hall
1:15 –2:45 PM Talk Session III Huntsman Library Auditorium
1:15 –2:15 PM “Build-It” session SCNCE 326
Build a penny vaporizer and get a lesson plan (for HS teachers only)
2:15 – 3:15 PM Planetarium Open House Noyes Bldg, Founders Hall
Lynn Lindsay, Emeritus and Adjunct Professor of Astronomy and Mathematics